很荣幸获得Rolls-Royce Solutions / MTU 给我公司颁发“Partnership Award 25年合作伙伴奖”, 并被认同为一个非常成功的合作!

We are much honored to have been a distributor of MTU China. Our team has learnt and grown a lot. The various leadership of MTU China are also our good friends and mentors, and I want to thank them in support us!
It is an honor for all of us at CDSS to receive the 25 years of partnership award from Rolls-Royce Power Systems/MTU. With the unwavering support from RRPS/MTU China and RRPS/MTU Germany, Rolls Royce Power System/MTU is now one of the leading players in China Oil and Gas market. CDSS strives to continue to maintain our lead in the market and delight our OEMs and end customers with after sales service support second to none.
获得 Rolls-Royce Power Systems/MTU颁发的25年合作伙伴奖,是CDSS全体员工的荣幸。在RRPS/MTU中国和RRPS/MTU德国的坚定支持下,Rolls Royce Power System/MTU现已成为中国石油和天然气市场的领先企业之一。CDSS致力于继续保持我们在市场上的领先地位,并会一如既往的通过精湛的售后服务支持我们的OEM和最终客户。